Saturday, April 25, 2020

Three reasons to program with Stride

Stride is the perfect companion for the HotBasic compiler, a powerful programming language to create fast and compact applications for Windows and Linux. Stride is a structured IDE, with three main benefits.

1. Organize your project with the Object tree

Unlike IDEs that treat code as a flat page of text, Stride lets you organize files and objects in a structured tree. The Object tree is the outline of your project. It is always visible and lets you navigate conveniently, even in complex programs.

2. A unique form designer with instant feedback
Easily creating forms with objects is a strong point in HotBasic. And with Stride, adding objects on a form is as easy as click.
Plus, Stride incorporates a formula evaluator, which lets you instantly see the result of any design change into the source code, and vice versa.

3. A massive set of services and tools for efficient programming

Various services and tools are seamlessly integrated in the IDE (really) to make your life easier. On top of that, you get compile-time helpers, an embedded debugger, a simple version manager, and as a bonus, a searchable collection of code snippets.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Does Stride work with rapidQ?

Yes, it does.

HotBasic is somehow rapidQ's successor and they share the same overall syntax. Stride can therefore be used to create rapidQ projects. The Object tree and the Form designer have been tested to work.

Of course, specific HotBasic features are not supported. This includes custom objects like the simplegrid or image2 objects. The embedded debugger, which is HotBasic-specific, is also not useable with rapidQ.

In the Download area on the left of this page, you can notice a specific rapidQ edition. For now, it is a bit crude. For instance, the list of available objects in the Form designer needs to be fine-tuned. I will work on it if Stride generates interest among rapidQ users.

A rapidQ tip: to customize your program icon, insert a comment of the following type:
'$rapidQ icon "myiconname.ico"
Before compiling, Stride will detect this line and pass the parameter to the rapidQ compiler.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

How do I get Stride?

Currently, Stride is distributed by invitation.

You are encouraged to download the free evaluation version (see the Download box on the left of this page).

If you wish to get a full license, email us at: Donors are prioritized.

The Stride package includes the trial version of the HotBasic compiler. The full version is published by the author, James J Keene, PhD, at

Before using Stride, please make sure you agree with our short terms and conditions.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Show me what Stride can do

Stride helps you create complex, beautiful and fast programs. The first example to showcase is Stride itself, written completely with Stride in HotBasic.

Also, have a look at the samples found in Stride's Examples folders.

spreadsheet.exe demonstrates the use of Stride's editable simplegrid and a spreadsheet calculation algorithm 

Splitterdemo showcases the splitter object and the image2 object handling JPG and animated GIFs
Iconwriter shows how to embed a font in your program, and also provides a collection of cool icons to include on your forms. 

In another area, the Pablo Chinese-English dictionary and the Pingrid memory game at, are entirely written with Stride.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Why HotBasic?

Stride was designed with and for the HotBasic compiler. This language has several benefits, among which three winning aspects, in my opinion.

1. A simple and compact syntax.

2. Fast executables: HotBasic directly produces assembly code, way faster than rapidQ, for instance.

3. Byte-level flexibility. HotBasic incorporates a very clever memory object, which is basically a block of data, that you can manipulate with total flexibility. That was a foundation for the support of COM and .NET in HotBasic, for instance.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Terms and conditions

Stride is a one-man effort, so we'll keep the terms and conditions simple.

License terms: what is provided

You are granted a license to use Stride for any lawful purposes for an unlimited period of time. (Here and in the paragraphs below, Stride means the Stride software and the accompanying data).

On request and at our discretion, we may grant you a full license to use the complete version of Stride on one computer.

The source code that you generate using Stride is your sole property.


We reserve the copyright over Stride's design, source code and data. You may not decompile, modify or redistribute any part of Stride.

The full license is provided for one computer. In case you change computer, we will do our best to reactivate the license on request, within reason (once per year).

No warranty or liability

Stride is provided as is and we make no warranty as to its useability or performance. Support of Stride may be discontinued at any time.

In no event can we be held liable for any damage, claim or cost related to the use of Stride.

Personal data protection

We may record your email address for the purpose of being able to reactivate your license in case of problem. We do not use it for other purposes and we do not transmit it to others.

If you do not wish us to record your email address, just notify us and we will erase it. A simple email to with subject Unsubscribe is enough.